Date: Nov. 22, 2022
By: James Brock, Ramin Honary

In roughly the past 10 years, GUI development, especially on the web, but also for other platforms, has transitioned to a design pattern known as the Model-View-Update (MVU) paradigm, sometimes called “Immediate Mode GUIs,” or also the “Elm Architecture,” as the Elm programming language made this idea popular. Web-based MVU frameworks like React.js and Vue.js have taken the world by storm, because it makes GUI programming much easier. It relieves programmers of the burden of managing GUI state by transferring this task to an algorithm built-in to the framework, this algorithm is usually referred to as a “virtual document object model.”

At Cross-Compass, the work our data scientists do involves developing machine learning solutions to solve each customer’s unique problem. But what all solutions have in common is that a Python machine learning framework is used for the solution. Usually, this is PyTorch, but it could also be Tensorflow or Keras as well. Other big data frameworks like Pandas are also used. When we deliver to customers, the machine learning solution often needs a GUI written on top of scripts in order for it to be useful to end users.

Python provides TkInter for native GUIs, but the result is often sub-optimal for various reasons, not the least of which is that it is a more traditional MVC, not an MVU framework. Furthermore, TkInter cannot easily be used to develop web-based applications. Developing a web-based GUI is even more difficult, often requiring another programming language and runtime (JavaScript or TypeScript, on top of Node.js), and our data scientists do not specialize in the skills required for web development with these technologies.

The best solution for Cross-Compass is a GUI development framework that allows data scientists to easily write GUI applications that take a few inputs, present a few views of the data, and can be written entirely in Python. In this blog post, we discuss what MVU is, and investigate two MVU frameworks available to Python programmers: StreamLit for web GUIs, and re-wx for native GUIs.

Model-View-Update: Declarative GUIs

For an in-depth discussion of the MVU architecture, we would recommend you read the blog post Model-View-Update (MVU) – How Does It Work?, by Thomas Bandt. In summary, MVU is similar to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. In MVC, the “controller” is a callback in the event loop that responds to events from the environment, and is responsible for redrawing parts of the view and updating the model.

The MVU pattern differs only in that the “controller” does not manipulate the view directly, only the model can be modified, which lets us simplify the controller to a single function called the “update” function. What instead redraws the view is a function built-in to the MVU framework. The model includes a tree data structure called a “document,” containing drawable components called “widgets,” and this tree structure fully describes, in a simple, declarative way, what is to be drawn on screen.

Declarative code tends to be very simple to read, write, and maintain, because, essentially, one single piece of code will map to one single artifact in the running program. Your code basically becomes a simple markup language for what the end users use.

Whenever the update function responds to an event and modifies the “document” model tree, the view function automatically redraws the entire view by traversing the entire tree, redrawing each widget it finds. To improve efficiency, usually a “diff” algorithm is used to compare the updated view (sometimes called the “virtual document” or “virtual-DOM”) with the current view, and only the portions of the view that have changed between the virtual document and the current document are re-drawn.

Because the framework is responsible for inspecting the state of the document and re-drawing the view automatically, this relieves the burden of inspecting state and triggering redrawing portions of the view off of the programmer, and thus allows them to focus on simply manipulating the document model in response to updating events.

MVU frameworks for Python

Two solutions that we have had experience with at Cross-Compass that provide a MVU to Python programmers are:

  1. StreamLit for web-based GUIs

  2. re-wx for native GUIs, which us an MVU framework based on the wxPython GUI library.


StreamLit provides a web server with a proprietary document model, and a JavaScript front-end that can translate this document model to the web browser’s own “document object model” (DOM). The StreamLit document is a black box; all manipulation to the document is done with easy-to-use StreamLit APIs. There are APIs to produce several kinds of useful widgets, including some widgets designed specifically for use in machine learning projects:

  • Buttons, toggles, menus, sliders, input fields, tabs
  • “Magic” text, Markdown text
  • Pandas tables (spreadsheet-like)
  • Plotly plots (interactive)
  • Error messages displayed in browser
  • Side bar page navigation
  • Automatic “Loading” indicator as script executes

In fact, a StreamLit programmer does not even need to think about a document model at all, because the Python script itself is the “update function” of the MVU framework. All one needs to do is call a StreamLit API to declare a that the widget exists in the Python script. Any events that occur in the GUI front-end (the web browser) are transmitted to the StreamLit server, and the server rereuns the entire Python script in response to update the model. Updating the model is a simple as inspecting the persistent state and programming the logic that chooses to declare (or not declare) a particular widget.

The StreamLit server manages the persistent state, every web-browser connection (called a “session”) creates a persistent state unique to that session. Here is a simple app that displays a counter that shows how many times a button has been clicked.

import StreamLit as st

# ---------- Setup persistent state: ----------

if st.session_state['click_counter'] is not None:
    st.session_state['click_counter'] = 0

# ---------- Construct widgets: ----------

if st.session_state['click_counter'] > 0:

    # Note: writing a string anywhere in the script creates
    # a widget to display that string in the GUI.

    f'Clicked {st.session_state['click_counter']} times.'


    'Please press the button.'

if st.button('Click me'):

    # The act of calling "st.button()" creates the button
    # widget in the document model.

    # The "st.button()" function returns "True" if this
    # script is being run in response to the event that
    # this button has been clicked.

    st.session_state['click_counter'] += 1


    # If this script is being run in response to some
    # other event (not a button click event), we should
    # simply not update the click counter.


All of these API’s are very well documented with many examples, I would strongly encourage interested readers to browse the documentation. There is also an ecosystem of third-party plugins to the StreamLit server that provide additional widgets for various use cases. Of course, there is also a JavaScript API for extending the StreamLit server with custom widgets.

StreamLit caveats:

The StreamLit server actually contains it’s own customized Python interpreter (which is still implemented with Python’s own standard library so no external libraries are necessary), and each GUI updating script that generates GUI elements is run in this custom interpreter environment. This allows the server to perform several convenient functions for Python programmers:

  • Loads library dependencies only once, even if the GUI update script is run hundreds of times in response to events.

  • Manages the session state automatically, even when multiple web browsers are using the server.

  • Render parts of the GUI as they are constructed, even before script execution has completed.

  • Display a spinner widget (indicating to the end user to “please wait”) when the GUI updating script takes time to run to completion.

  • Catch exceptions that occur in the GUI updating scripts, and display the stack trace as widgets in the GUI. This makes it very easy to find bugs and correct them as the program runs.

Since the update function produces the GUI elements visible in the web browser, the programmer must take care to ensure the GUI updating scripts runs as quickly as possible. The script need not run to completion for elements to become visible, but the GUI will not respond to events (mouse clicks, text inputs) until the script has run to completion.

Multi-threading is generally not possible in GUI update scripts, although the StreamLit server is multi-threaded.

There are other tools to improve performance of the GUI updating script.

  • The st.session_state can be used to cache the result of expensive computations, for example, setting up a Tensorflow execution context.

  • The @st.experimental_memo function can be used to “memoize” function computations.

    def crunch_data_frame(pandas_data_frame):
        # Suppose this function takes a while to execute,
        # but only needs to run 1 time.

What is “memoization?”

A memoized function will run only once for each input given to it, and the return value of that function is cached in a dictionary mapping that return value to the given input. Then, every subsequent call to that memoized function will return the cached value rather than re-computing it again, so long as the input to that function is identical to some previous call to that function.

For example, if the function is called with an input, say a variable pandas_data_frame, and the pointer to this pandas_data_frame does not exist in the memoizing dictionary, the function runs, and the return value of the function is mapped to the pandas_data_frame pointer. The next time the memoized function is called with the exact same input pointer to pandas_data_frame, looking up this pointer in the memoizing dictionary will find value (a “cache hit”) that was returned the last time this function was called, and this value is returned rather than actually running the function.

Be careful when using pointers to mutable data, like file paths, as memoizing inputs. If the content of the file changes in the file system, but the path does not change, the file path might result in a cache hit and return the function return value, rather than re-computing the new data at that file path.


NOTE: re-wx is still fairly experimental, and may not be the best choice for programming large applications that will need to be maintained over a long period of time. It is better suited for small apps intended as deliverable for short-term contracts.

The re-wx library provides a React-like framework (hence “re”) around the wxPython widget library (hence “wx”). The wxPython library is itself is a library providing Python language bindings to the wxWidgets library, which is a platform-independent GUI library that runs well on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.

The document model of the re-wx library is a tree of “element” nodes. Every element is simply a dictionary with 2 fields: type and props. The type field indicates which wxWidget constructor to call, the props field is a dictionary that indicates exactly which arguments are to be passed to the constructor when the view function runs. The props field is a dictionary often contains a children property, and the children of the Element create branches of the tree data structure.

So when constructing your GUI document, rather than call widget constructor functions directly, you “freeze” the calls to these functions as an element in a tree of elements. The of elements tree thus become the declarative data structure of the “virtual document,” which re-wx can automatically render as a view.

from rewx.components import Frame, StaticText, Button

clicked = False

def click_handler():
    # Toggle the 'clicked' global variable
    clicked = not clicked

element = \
  { 'type': Frame,
    { 'title': "App Main",
      [ { 'type': StaticText,
          { 'label':
              "Hello, world!" if not clicked else
                "Thanks for clicking!"
        { 'type': Button,
          { 'label': 'Click me!',
            'on_click': click_handler,

For the sake of simplifying the code, a function called wsx() is provided which takes the type, props, and children as a list (in that order) without needing to specify the keywords type, props, and children each time. For example, the above element could be rewritten with wsx() like so:

from rewx.components import Frame, StaticText
from rewx import wsx 

clicked = False

def click_handler():
    # Toggle the 'clicked' global variable
    clicked = not clicked

element = \
    [ Frame,
      {'title': "App Main"},
      [ StaticText,
        { 'label':
            "Hello, world!" if not clicked else
              "Thanks for clicking!"
      [ Button,
        { 'label': 'Click me!',
          'on_click': click_handler,

As you can see, it is a slightly more concise way to declare the same tree structure, without needing to write the type and props keyword for each element node.

Rendering, and the main event loop

Simply use the rewx.render() function, which does all of the work of constructing every element and all children in the element tree, and inserting all children into the appropriate widgets. When render steps through an element starting with a Frame, the frame constructor is called which creates a new window for your app, and all children of the Frame are rendered as widgets contained within that frame. The wxPython library also ensures that deleting one element will also delete the children of that element.

import wx 
from rewx.components import Frame, StaticText, Button
from rewx import wsx, render

clicked = False

def click_handler():

element = ...

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = wx.App()
    frame = render(element, None) 

    # 'frame' is not used, here, but you can keep the
    # handle to manipulate the main app window.

NOTE: that at this time, unfortunately, the render() function does not actually perform a “diff” on the virtual document model. What this means is, after every single event in the GUI (every button click, every text entry), causes the entire document model to be deleted and a new document model to be constructed. While the new model is being constructed, the GUI freezes. This does have a performance penalty, and for GUIs with many elements, end users may begin to notice the GUI start to feel “heavy” or “slow.” Hopefully at some point in the near future, this issue will be resolved.

Grouping widgets into larger components

A class is provided so that you do not need to store the stateful parts of your app in the global variable context. Simply declare your own class extending the rewx.Component class. Lets rewrite the above example as a subclass of rewx.Component.

from rewx import wsx, render, Component
from rewx.components import Frame, StaticText, Button

class HelloApp(Component):
    def ___init___():
        self.clicked = False;

    def click_handler(self):
        # Toggle the 'clicked' global variable
        self.clicked = not self.clicked

    def render(self):
        return wsx(
          [ Frame,
            {'title': "App Main"},
            [ StaticText,
              { 'label':
                  "Hello, world!" if not self.clicked else
                    "Thanks for clicking!"
            [ Button,
              { 'label': 'Click me!',
                'on_click': self.click_handler,

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = wx.App()
    element = HelloApp()
    frame = render(element.render(), None) 


We have seen two practical implementations of the Model-View-Update (MVU) design pattern: StreamLit for the web, and re-wx for native applications (via wxPython). We have also seen in these implementations how the MVU design pattern greatly simplifies the programming of GUI applications by reducing most of the programming to merely declaring the document model of the GUI. Changes to the structure take place by inspecting the state of the program and making decisions to declare (or not declare) portions of the document tree.

Then the framework provides some mechanism for rendering the document as a view. In StreamLit, the rendering mechanism is the GUI update script interpreter internal to the StreamLit server. In re-wx, the rendering mechanism is simply the rewx.render() API function called in the main function of the program.

The MVU framework also takes control of the event listening, and dispatches events by simply re-running the update function. In StreamLit, the update function is the entire Python script which declares a new GUI document structure every time it is run. In the case of re-wx, the update function is the render() method of the rewx.Component class, which simply returns a new declarative structure.
